Novice Rowing
Vice Captains’ Welcome
Hello! The four of us are the current vice-captains for the boat club – that means that we organise the Michaelmas Term novice rowing and then the lower boats in Hilary and Trinity.
If you are keen to find out more about rowing at Univ, do read on – whether you are brand new to the sport, or are a seasoned pro – there is a spot for you in UCBC. The boat club is one of the friendliest communities and there is no better way to spend time and destress from everyday life than splashing about on the water!
As already mentioned, in Michaelmas we run a big novice campaign – often we get three women’s and men’s boats full of rowers that have never rowed before! The highlight of the term is a novice only regatta (called Christ Church regatta) which sees everyone race in their first side by side regatta on the river! During Michaelmas you are trained by our brilliant coaches who are all very experienced rowers themselves.
Aside from rowing, there are lots of socials in the calendar. From crew breakfasts to boat club dinners and crewdates, there really is something for everyone. Often some of your closest friends are those that you are in a boat with, but everyone in the boat club is friends with everyone regardless of what crew you are in!
The four of us are really excited to be vice-captains this year, and would love to hear from you if you are current or prospective member of college and keen to row!
UCBC Love,
Tom Forster & Arthur Bird (men’s co-vice-captains)
Amber Ford & Barbie Tyler (women’s co-vice-captains)
Novices painting their faces before Torpids racing in W3
M3 crew Torpids 2021
Important information
How to join
Welcome aboard! Come and visit us at Univ Freshers fair or drop us an email - we have a taster day where you can try rowing out and then we run a Michaelmas Term novice campaign where you go from complete beginners, learn to row and then end the term in a novice only race which is so much fun! The only thing you need to do is pass your swim test - more info below! If you missed this initial sign-up, it's not too late; talk to one of the vice captains, and we'll see what we can sort out.
Water Safety
Water safety is a fundamental and crucial aspect of college rowing. Before going on your fifth water outing, all rowers and coxes are required to pass a swim test. For more on this, visit our water safety page, or scroll down for FAQs relating to swim tests.
Being a UCBC novice is an amazing opportunity, and we’re sure you’ll have many questions along the way. Your UCBC committee and coaches is here to support you and are always happy to have a chat or answer any questions you may have - visit our leadership to meet them! Novice rowers and coxes are encouraged to speak to our vice-captains as their first port of call.